Monthly Archives: February 2012

Potosi – Bolivia (28 Jan)

Pete went off to do the mine tour at 9am. I decided to book out tickets to Sucre for the next day and have a morning typing up my blog notes as I was quite far behind. It took me until 13:30 to write about the salt flats and trip to Potosi. Pete got back as I finished and he enjoyed the tour. He said after the movie they now only hire people who are 15 years and older. He said after speaking to the miners it wasn´t that bad as it is a cooperative so whatever they find in the mine is theirs. If they hit a good vain then the whole family joins in so that they can mine it quickly and get paid quickly. Aparently they earn more than the national average so that is why a lot of them choose to work in the mine instead of in the towns. It did make me feel a lot better hearing all that but it still upset me that childeren, who didn´t really have that choice, had to work in the mines. Anyway. We spent the afternoon at an internet café and then went for dinner. We bumped into Theo and a Russian couple we met on the Salar Tour. We had quite an early night as we had to pack and get ready for our early morning bus the next day.






